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Scarlet - I Play for Keeps Horizontal.jpg


“Everything’s always going to be shitty. It’s your job to fight against that. You have to fight for your friends. You have to fight for me. You have to fight for us.”

- Scarlet, circa 1998


“Scarlet is always in the position to make heroic moves but constantly questions whether they’re right, which is such a great thing for the development of a leader. She’s always trying to improve herself, and there’s just all these elements that [LightningInvoker] weaves so beautifully into the creation of, not just Scarlet the Jock, or Scarlet the Teen Hero. . . but Scarlet. [She's] building a character and we’re watching and it’s awesome.”

- GrimJack


System: Tales from the Loop

Campaign: Atari Twilight

Season: Age of Always

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Iconic Item

Favorite Song



a metal bat

"The Eye of the Tiger"


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